Walking the Basalt Mountains

Mount Abune Yousef 4300m (3rd Highest Peak in Ethiopia)
The third highest peak in Ethiopia, Abune Yousef Massif offers visitors stunning views and wildlife viewing opportunities. During the treks and around Abune Yousef, visitors can see an impressive array of flora and fauna including giant Lobelia, troops of Gelada baboons, and the rare Ethiopian wolf. Located north of Lalibela, the Afromontane environment offers a perfect complement to the cultural and historical experience of the Lalibela rock-hewn churches. Treks in Abune Yousef bring visitors to over 4,300 meters and are not for the faint of heart. However, those that make the climb find the views and experience well worth it. Visit our itineray page to arrange how many days to spend at mount Abune Yousef.
Flora: While many of the high plains has been converted into farmland over the past 50 years the slopes of the mountain ranges are still covered by natural forest, changing composition with altitude, the unique Afromontane vegetation formations are the main attraction of the area. The Abune Yoseph area is made up of diverse vegetation types included bush land, woodlands, mountain dray forests, and afroalpine grassland.
Mammals:There are 43 known species of mammals on the Abune Youseph Massif. Of the 32 species of Abyssinian endemic mammals (endemic to Ethiopia and Eritrea) seven can be found in Abune Yousef. The most spectacular of these are the Ethiopian wolf and the Gelada baboon. Other species to look out for include the Golden Jakel, Hayna, Caracal, Leopard, Rock Hyrax, Duiker, Klipspringer and Starck Hare.
Birds: Of the 860 species of birds found in Ethiopia, over 220 have been identified on the Abune Yosef Massif. The Abune Yousef area is one of the most important bird areas in the country. The Abune Yousef mountains also attract a few pairs of Golden Eagles.

Young Lalibela Trekking  Association offers different guiding and accommodating trekking tours in the beautiful surroundings of Lalibela, but we can organize any tailor-made tour you wish.

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